Thursday, April 10, 2008

Top Ten - Ways to tell if you are a Poser

I have compiled a list of the top ten ways to tell if you are a poser of a skateboarder/snowboarder. Here it is.

10. If you watch Life of Ryan. Ryan Sheckler is shunned by the skateboarding community. Nobody wants to see a twenty-year-old cry about his terrible life as a millionaire skateboarder who gets every girl he looks at. Most skaters are happy when they kickflip an eight set.
9. If you have more than three DC items of clothing. 'Nuff said.
8. If you still think Tony Hawk is the best skateboarder in the world. The dude would throw out his back trying to drop in. He may have been great in the early nineties. But that was 10 years ago.
7. If you consider Pac Sun a skate shop. Have they ever had anything but clothes and shoes in there? I think not.
6. If you watch Rob and Big but don't know what a tre flip or a bluntslide is.
5. If you wear Burton clothes but ski. Freestyle skiing is fine, but if your like a racer, it's a major no-no.
4. If you think Element is the best kind of skateboard. Have you ever heard of Mullen Uber-Lights?
3. If you get your tricks off Wikipedia. What IS a Fresca Flip? Ask the Wiki god.
2. If you have any posters or pictures of Ryan Sheckler shirtless.
1. If you believe in Kickflip Control.

There you have it.

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