Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Top Youtube Videos - April

In honor of the upcoming Webby awards, I have compiled my own list of the best Youtube videos I've seen in the last month. I will make a new list of new videos every month. Only on the Life of Colin. The winners of this truly great honor are:

Bronze Medal: My New Haircut
Most people have seen this video. It's basically Tourettes Guy who thinks he's getting some "pussy". This video combines good camera work (for Youtube) with a great character. So bask in your hairgel-induced glory, nameless protagonist. You (and your hairdresser) have earned it.
You can find this video here.

Silver Medal: Flight of the Conchords - Jenny
I hope you have seen this one. These two guys are perhaps the funniest things to come out of New Zealand in the last 5 years. They use music perfectly to add to the scene. Simply put, this pair is Wierd Al on steroids. Make sure to check out all their hilarious videos.
This masterpiece can be found here.

Gold Medal: Here Comes Another Bubble v1.1
A song about how technology and the internet are the fastest growing markets. Actually, it has no real meaning as far as I can see... besides being hilarious. This video truly deserves my Gold Medal for April with its fusion of great animation and a humorous song.
The Gold Medal Winner is residing here.

And there you have it. The top three videos i watched in the last month. Enjoy.

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