Sunday, April 6, 2008

Why Guitar Hero Sucks

There are many reasons why Guitar Hero is mad gay.
1. It pisses me off when they play a song on the radio and everyone says, "Hey, this is in Guitar Hero!" I hate people who only know a great classic rock song like La Grange because it's in Guitar Hero. Do you know what album it was on? Didn't think so. If you were a real ZZ Top fan or even a classic rock fan you would know that in a second. I'm not saying the songs are bad, just Guitar Hero makes them good IN THE VERY VERY WORST WAY.
2. People say, "Hey, that song is from Guitar Hero!" The key word is from. Did it not exist before Guitar Hero? Did Guitar Hero write, record, and make famous that song? NO. IT'S NOT FROM GUITAR HERO. IT'S (UNFORTUNATELY FOR SOME SONGS) IN GUITAR HERO.
3. People think they have talent because they are amazing at Guitar Hero. Pick up a real guitar. It'll be fifteen years before you can play Cliffs of Dover. If you ever can. Playing Guitar Hero takes as much talent as fingerpicking the main riff to Smoke on the Water (the version with one string and 4 notes total). It's like playing a one string guitar with only five frets that have convenient little cushions on them. GET A LIFE PEOPLE.
4. Did you know that there are kids who have dropped out of school to play Guitar Hero? What the hell are they thinking? You can't live off Guitar Hero, amazing or not. You will die young, poor, and alone. What I really want to know is what fucked up, terrible parent would let their kid drop out of school (often grade school, which i'm sure is even legal) to play a video game that requires no talent and will get you nowhere in life but a soup kitchen (on the homeless side)?
5. DRAGONFORCE IS ONE OF THE WORST BANDS IN THE HISTORY OF MUSIC. Nobody save maybe the keyboardist has any talent. The guitarist pick plucks a shitload of random notes and plays some fast parts. The singer sings as high as his manhood will let him (or maybe higher) and doesn't really have a good voice at all. The drummer makes himself sound cool by pumping his double bass and hitting one tomtom a few times. Also, the intro to Through the Fire and Flames is not insane guitar at all. Why? BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING PIANO! DUMBASS!
6. The final reason: Bands who don't deserve the publicity get noticed by little kids who haven't been musically molded yet. Great classic bands like The Who and Iron Maiden had to start playing local clubs and work their way up in a process that takes years. Talentless bands can just put together a half-ass song that has some "good" guitar playing, get put in Guitar Hero, and instantly, all the little motherfuckers who worship Lou the Devil know the name. They don't have to go through the ordeal that separates Boston from Fall Out Boy. Now all these little kids listen to this shitty music that will be gone in two years. It's a load of shit. An Endless Sporadic? Come on. They didn't even have a Wikipedia page before Guitar Hero.

Truly this mindwashing game deserves my EPIC FAIL AWARD, and the title of GUITAR QUEER-O.

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